Next MNnorml meeting & other upcoming events...
Join Minnesota NORML members as we continue our work on building a popular movement to legalize cannabis for adults in Minnesota. Minnesotans who enjoy responsible cannabis use deserve, at minimum, equal rights to those who choose beer or wine. This includes the right to grow cannabis in your home, just like your right to brew beer and wine at home.
We are organizing to expand our activist network throughout the State of Minnesota, across the political spectrum, and to consumers and non-consumers alike.
We are organizing to expand our activist network throughout the State of Minnesota, across the political spectrum, and to consumers and non-consumers alike.
Monthly Members Meeting
When: SATURDAYDAY, MAR. 18, 1pm Where: O'Gara's Bar and Grill 164 Snelling Ave N, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 |
MN 4/20 Rally: Cannabis Rise!
When: THURSDAY, APRIL 20th, High noon Where: MINNESOTA STATE CAPITAL 75 Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Saint Paul, Minnesota 55155 |
Growing MNnorml
Help us plan the next event...
Please join us on MeetUp and Facebook to stay updated on meeting locations and times.
If you live outside of the twin cities and want to start a local MNnorml affinity group, please contact us so we can help you with expanding the affiliate in more areas throughout the state.
"Laboratory studies have shown that cannabinoids may be able to kill cancer cells while protecting normal cells." -National Cancer Institute